Programme in English – Summer Course 2022 in Painting

Art tours to the Faroe Islands with Mr. Palle Julsgart are arranged during the summer of 2022. The courses last for 8 days total, the first one is from Sunday 15th maj to 21th maj 2022

The art tours are a kind of active holiday which we spend in the Faroese nature, while we make paintings and drawings. You will be living in Faroese houses in the charming village Fámjin on the west coast of Suduroy. Every day we will visit various villages around the island where we will work with the art. We will visit Sumba, Vágur, Porkeri, Froðba, Tvøroyri, Sandvík, Hvalba. We will try to paint one painting every day.

Relax, find new friends, recharge your batteries and get new energy and get an experience of a lifetime.

There are still vacant places for 2022.

Ordinary good shape is required to be able to participate

We are trying to establish a food program that will fit to everyone’s needs, so if there is anyone who is a vegetarian or if anyone has any particular allergies, you should let Mr. Julsgart know as soon as possible.



Arrival to the Faroe Islands on Vágar Airport from destinations in Denmark.

When you arrive at the airport in the Faroe Islands, you must take the airport bus to Tórshavn. There is a ferry to Suderø, Tværå. Here Palle Julsgart receives you with a sign that says “Painting trips”.

If you have a driver’s licence you can let Mr. Julsgart know, because the plan is to rent cars, so you can drive to and from all the various places you’re visiting while on your stay.

In Suduroy we will drive to the village Fámjin, where you will be staying the next week. Upon arrival you will get some coffee, a sandwich and cake.

The programme below may change due to the weather.


Breakfast from 8 am – 9 am

From 9 am – 12 pm we will paint in Fámjin from various locations.

We will eat lunch between 12pm and 1pm in the afternoon.

In the afternoon we will paint in Fámjin from various locations.

We eat dinner together at 6 pm. After that you can do what you feel like doing, be it go for a long walk or a hike.

The program will be similar every day, but in various places around the island.


After breakfast we will visit Sumba, which is a beautiful village in the southernmost part of the island with the islet “Sumbiar holmur”  just outside the village and the bird cliff Beinisvørð raising above the village. We will be painting here from various locations in the morning and afternoon. On this excursion as well as other excursions we will bring lunch with us and eat it there together with thé and coffee.

Around 5 pm in the evening, we will return to Fámjin, and eat dinner together.


After breakfast we will go for an excursion to the northernmost village Sandvík, which has the largest sandy beach in the Faroe Islands. From the village one can see the two smaller islands Lítla Dímun and Stóra Dímun. This village has Viking history. We will paint here in the morning and in the afternoon.

Around 5 pm in the evening, we will return to Fámjin, and eat dinner together.

If the weather permits it, we will go for a walk up to the lake above Fámjin, the Kirkjuvatn (Church Lake). If not this evening, we will do it another evening, it is a nice trip in beautiful tranquil nature.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAfter breakfast, we will go to Vágur, which lies around a fjord and has very little distance from the east to the west coast. We will be painting here in the morning from various locations, one of them will be Vágseiði, an isthmus on the west coast, a stunning place with cliffs and an old harbour and often quite rough sea. We will eat our lunch which we have brought with us, and after that we will visit the neighbouring village Porkeri which has a charming wooden church from 1847 with turf roof. We will be painting in Porkeri in the afternoon.

Either this day or another day we will visit an art museum in Tværå named Salt. We can do that on a day if there is poor weather.

We will eat dinner together in Fámjin.


After breakfast in Fámjin, we will go to Tvøroyri, where we will visit Palle Julsgart’s art gallery “Oyggin”, the garden and the greenhouse. After the visit will we drive towards Hvannhagi to get a view of Tvøroyri.

In the evening we can visit the historical place down in the harbour with the old buildings from when Tvøroyri was built in the mid 19th century. We will visit the pub which has historical items and is a living museum. Drinks are not included in the price, but can be bought extra if you wish. After that we will go back to Fámjin.


This day we will go to Tvøroyri and Froðba. We will paint in the galleries garden or inside of the greenhouse, it depends on the weather. We will also visit the older village Froðba, where one can see columnar basalt in various ways. There is also a statue of the well known Faroese poet Poul F. Joensen, who lived there most of his life. We can also paint from some locations in Froðba.

After that we will evaluate the paintings and hang them up. We could invite guests if you wish for the exhibition.


You will be leaving in the morning and eat breakfast onboard the ferry. From there, take the bus to Vágar Airport, after which the course ends.


Kurser på Færøerne 2022

En af de smukkeste og mest grønne øer på Færøerne er Suðuroy (Suderø). Lad roen sænke sig over dig. Du får ikke kun inspiration, men også tid til reflektion, og du vil få en ny indsigt i nuet. Giv dig selv en oplevelse for livet, ved verdens ende.

Kursets indhold

Kurset henvender sig både til nybegyndere og mere erfarne malere.

Der bliver undervist i kursets første dage i farvelære, komposition og maleteknik. Der undervises i følgende teknikker:
Tegning, olie, akryl og tempera.

Der undervises hver formiddag og eftermiddag. Der bliver evaluering midt og sidst i kurset.

Materialer kan medbringes eller købes på stedet.

Selve kurset kommer til at foregå i et hus i Fámjin. Bygden, der har ca. 100 indbyggere, ligger på øens vestkyst, helt ud til det barske Atlanterhav. Bygden er blevet kåret som Færøernes reneste bygd. Der kan opleves nogle fantastiske solnedgange i Fámjin og inde i kirken hænger det første færøske flag.

Tilmeld dig kurset – 8 dage for kun 15.000 danske kroner.

Der tages forbehold for prisændringer.


Når du tilmelder dig, skal du først sende en email til eller ringe på +298 371669 eller +298 287938 og høre Palle Julsgart, om der er flere pladser på kurset.

Restbeløbet skal indbetales senest 6 uger før kursusstart. Der kan godt betales i rater, men det fulde beløb skal være betalt 6 uger før.

Beløbene betales på konto i BankNordik: Reg. 6460 – konto: 4753900.

Depositum kan mistes, hvis man udebliver eller bliver forhindret og ikke kan finde en elev, der erstatter den plads, man har reserveret.

Bliver kurset aflyst på grund af manglende tilslutning, bliver pengene refunderet med det samme.